Section 33 Agreement Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1982

You may find useful the commentary: Applicability of certain land agreements by local authorities: Halsbury`s Laws of England [593] useful with regard to your application, which states: “The following provisions apply where a senior adviser and any other person are parties to an instrument under seal that: It is important to take into account the drafting of the covenant itself, when considering whether section 33 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 has a local authority to carry out work on the land at any time in the future. (1) is carried out to ensure the performance of works on land in the territory of the Council in which the other person has an Inter This practical notice deals with the law governing the procedural law of arbitration (law of the curia or lex arbitri) and as determined under the law of England and Wales (England and English are used as a convenient abbreviation). The procedural law of arbitrationThe procedural contractIf a contract is concluded by two or more parties, it may contain a promise or obligation made by two or more of these parties. Such a promise may be:•jointly and severally liable or•jointly and severally. Whether a company is jointly and severally liable or jointly and severally liable is a matter of construction. .

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